Namespace Nerdbank.MessagePack
- DecodeResultExtensions
Extension methods for the MessagePackPrimitives.DecodeResult enum.
- DerivedTypeMapping<TBase>
Describes a mapping between a base type and its known sub-types, along with the aliases that identify them.
- JsonSchemaContext
The context provided to GetJsonSchema(JsonSchemaContext, ITypeShape) to aid in the generation of JSON schemas for types.
- KeyAttribute
Specifies an ordinal key that may be used when the object serializes its properties for a faster and/or more compact binary representation.
- LibraryReservedMessagePackExtensionTypeCode
Documents the library-reserved extension type codes and allows changing them to avoid conflicting with those defined by the application or another library.
- MessagePackAsyncReader
A primitive types reader for the MessagePack format that reads from a PipeReader.
- MessagePackAsyncWriter
A primitive types writer for the MessagePack format that writes to a PipeWriter.
- MessagePackCode
The core type codes as defined by msgpack.
- MessagePackConverter
A non-generic, object-based base class for all message pack converters.
- MessagePackConverterAttribute
A class applied to a custom data type to prescribe a custom MessagePackConverter<T> implementation to use for serialization.
- MessagePackConverter<T>
An base class for all MessagePack converters.
- MessagePackNamingPolicy
Defines a transformation for property names from .NET to msgpack.
- MessagePackPrimitives
Primitive msgpack encoding/decoding methods.
- MessagePackSerializationException
Represents errors that occur during MessagePack serialization.
- MessagePackSerializer
Serializes .NET objects using the MessagePack format.
- MessagePackSerializer.StreamingEnumerationOptions<T, TElement>
Options for streaming a sequence of values from a msgpack stream.
- MessagePackString
A .NET string together with its msgpack encoding parts, to optimize serialization of well-known, often seen strings such as property names used in a msgpack map object.
- ReservedMessagePackExtensionTypeCode
The officially defined msgpack extension type codes.
- StructuralEqualityComparer
Provides deep, by-value implementations of IEqualityComparer<T> for arbitrary data types.
- Extension
Describes a msgpack extension.
- ExtensionHeader
Describes a msgpack extension. This precedes the extension payload itself in the msgpack encoded format.
- MessagePackReader
A primitive types reader for the MessagePack format.
- MessagePackSerializer.DisposableSerializationContext
A wrapper around SerializationContext that makes disposal easier.
- MessagePackSerializer.JsonOptions
A description of how JSON should be formatted when calling one of the ConvertToJson(ref MessagePackReader, TextWriter, JsonOptions?) overloads.
- MessagePackStreamingReader
A msgpack decoder that returns error codes rather than throws exceptions when the buffer is incomplete or the token type does not match expectations.
- MessagePackStreamingReader.BufferRefresh
A non-ref structure that can be used to recreate a MessagePackStreamingReader after an await expression.
- MessagePackWriter
A primitive types writer for the MessagePack format.
- RawMessagePack
Represents a sequence of raw msgpack bytes.
- SerializationContext
Context that flows through the serialization process.
- IDeepSecureEqualityComparer<T>
An interface that may be implemented by user-defined types in order to provide their own deep (i.e. giving all values a chance to contribute) hash code.
- IMessagePackSerializationCallbacks
An interface that may be implemented to receive callbacks before serialization and after deserialization.
- MessagePackPrimitives.DecodeResult
Enumerates the possible outcomes of a read operation.
- MessagePackType
- MultiDimensionalArrayFormat
Enumerates the possible formats for serializing multi-dimensional arrays.
- SerializeDefaultValuesPolicy
Specifies the policy for serializing default values.
- MessagePackAsyncWriter.SyncWriter<T>
The delegate type that may be provided to the Write<TState>(SyncWriter<TState>, TState) method.
- MessagePackStreamingReader.GetMoreBytesAsync
A delegate that can be used to get more bytes to complete the operation.