Polymorphic serialization
Serialization of polymorphic types requires special consideration.
For instance, suppose you want to serialize a Farm
public class Farm
public List<Animal> Animals { get; set; } = [];
public record Animal(string Name);
public record Cow(string Name, int Weight) : Animal(Name);
public record Horse(string Name, int Speed) : Animal(Name);
public record Dog(string Name, string Color) : Animal(Name);
Notice that your animals on the farm are kept in a collection typed with the base type Animal
At runtime, we expect most or all animals to be of a derived type rather than the Animal
base type.
By default, serializing the Farm
will only serialize animals with the properties that are directly on the Animal
"Animals": [
{ "Name": "Bessie" },
{ "Name": "Lighting" },
{ "Name": "Rover" },
Note the lack of any type information or properties defined on the derived types.
Deserializing this Farm
will produce a bunch of Animal
If Animal
were an abstract
class, this would not be deserializable at all.
You can preserve polymorphic type metadata across serialization using the DerivedTypeShapeAttribute, which you apply to the type that is used as the declared base type.
Since Animal
is used as the collection element type, we apply the attributes on the declaraiton of that type:
public record Animal(string Name);
This changes the schema of the serialized data to include a tag that indicates the type of the object. It also engages a converter for the specific derived type so that its unique properties are serialized.
Now the Farm serializes like this:
"Animals": [
["Cow", { "Name": "Bessie", "Weight": 1400 }],
["Horse", { "Name": "Lighting", "Speed": 45 }],
["Dog", { "Name": "Rover", "Color": "Brown" }],
Notice how each Animal
is serialized with its derived type properties.
Each Animal
object is also nested as the second element in an array whose first element identifies the derived type of the original object.
Deserializing this will recreate each object with its original derived type and full set of properties.
It works even if Animal
is an abstract
A type that stands in for itself and/or a collection of derived types is called a union. The embellished schema where the object's serialized data is nested inside an array as shown above is used whenever the union type is the declared type (i.e. the type statically discoverable rather than requiring live objects).
When a class has a property typed as Horse
is serialized, the Horse
is serialized without the union schema because Horse
is not itself a union type, even though it may appear as a case of another union type (e.g. Animal
Only when Animal
is the declared property type will a Horse
object set to that property be serialized with the surrounding union schema.
For example, consider this collection of horses:
public class HorsePen
public List<Horse>? Horses { get; set; }
This would serialize like this:
"Horses": [
{ "Name": "Lighting", "Speed": 45 },
{ "Name": "Flash", "Speed": 48 },
Note the lack of the union schema that would add ["Horse", ... ]
around every horse.
This is because the Horse
type is statically known as the generic type argument of the collection, and there's no need to add serialized data to indicate the runtime type.
Now suppose you have different breeds of horses that each had their own derived type:
public record Horse : Animal;
public record QuarterHorse : Horse;
public record Thoroughbred : Horse;
At this point your HorsePen
would serialize with the union schema around each horse:
"Horses": [
["QuarterHorse", { "Name": "Lighting", "Speed": 45 }],
["Thoroughbred", { "Name": "Flash", "Speed": 48 }],
Multi-level union types
Now let's consider our original Farm
class, which has a collection of Animal
The Animal
class as we defined it earlier only knows about Horse
as a derived type.
The Animal
class itself has no designation for QuarterHorse
or Thoroughbred
If the Horse
class lacked any DerivedTypeShapeAttribute of its own, serializing your Farm
would drop any details about horse breeds and deserializing would produce Horse
objects where the original object graph may have contained QuarterHorse
or Thoroughbred
But if the Horse
class has attributes for each of its derived types, we end up with a multi-nested union schema for our farm:
"Animals": [
["Cow", { "Name": "Bessie", "Weight": 1400 }],
["Horse", ["QuarterHorse", { "Name": "Lighting", "Speed": 45 }]],
["Horse", ["Thoroughbred", { "Name": "Flash", "Speed": 48 }]],
["Dog", { "Name": "Rover", "Color": "Brown" }],
You can avoid the multi-level nesting by defining all transitive derived types on the original union type Animal
public record Animal(string Name);
This would now serialize more simply as:
"Animals": [
["Cow", { "Name": "Bessie", "Weight": 1400 }],
["QuarterHorse", { "Name": "Lighting", "Speed": 45 }],
["Thoroughbred", { "Name": "Flash", "Speed": 48 }],
["Dog", { "Name": "Rover", "Color": "Brown" }],
This simpler serialized form comes at the cost of maintaining a list of attributes for all transitively derived types on the original union type.
Unknown derived types
When a derived type is not listed on its base union type, its nearest listed base type is recognized instead.
For example, consider our flattened Animal
class definition given earlier, where Horse
and its two derived types are documented via attributes on the Animal
Now suppose we declare a new Horse
-derived type called Arabian
, but we omit adding an attribute for that derived type on Animal
When an Arabian
object is seen in the Animals
collection, it qualifies both as an Animal
(base type) and as a Horse
(the known types by the attributes).
Since Horse
is the more derived type, an Arabian
will be serialized as a Horse
When deserialized, this object will be rehydrated as a Horse
rather than as its more specific Arabian
If a Cat
type is declared that derives directly from Animal
, it will serialize as an Animal
and deserialize into an Animal
object until the Cat
derived type is added to the attribte list on Animal
Union case identifiers
Each type in a union is called a union case, and may include the base type itself. Each of these types have a serializable identifier by which they are recognized during deserialization.
In all the above examples, this identifier was inferred to be Type.Name since none was explicitly given.
For the base type itself, nil
is the inferred identifier.
These identifiers can be explicitly specified. This can be useful to maintain backward compatibility with previously serialized data when a type name changes. Integers can also be assigned as identifiers, which improves performance and reduces the payload size.
String type identifiers are case sensitive.
The following example shows explicitly choosing the string identifiers:
[DerivedTypeShape(typeof(Horse), Name = "H")]
[DerivedTypeShape(typeof(Cow), Name = "C")]
record Animal(string Name);
record Horse(string Name) : Animal(Name);
record Cow(string Name) : Animal(Name);
Or we can use the more performant integer identifiers:
[DerivedTypeShape(typeof(Horse), Tag = 1)]
[DerivedTypeShape(typeof(Cow), Tag = 2)]
record Animal(string Name);
record Horse(string Name) : Animal(Name);
record Cow(string Name) : Animal(Name);
Mixing identifier types for a given base type is allowed, as shown here:
[DerivedTypeShape(typeof(Horse), Tag = 3)]
[DerivedTypeShape(typeof(Cow), Name = "Cow")]
record Animal(string Name);
record Horse(string Name) : Animal(Name);
record Cow(string Name) : Animal(Name);
Note that while inferrence is the simplest syntax, it results in the serialized schema including the name of the type, which can break the schema if the type is renamed.
Generic derived types
DerivedTypeShapeAttribute may reference generic derived types, but they must be closed generic types (i.e. all the generic type arguments must be specified). You may close the generic type several times, but each one needs a unique type identifier so the inferred type name will not work. You will have to explicitly specify them.
[DerivedTypeShape(typeof(Cow<SolidHoof>), Name = "SolidHoofedCow")]
[DerivedTypeShape(typeof(Cow<ClovenHoof>), Name = "ClovenHoofedCow")]
partial record Animal(string Name);
record Horse(string Name) : Animal(Name);
record Cow<THoof>(string Name, THoof Hoof) : Animal(Name);
record SolidHoof;
record ClovenHoof;
Runtime derived type registration
Static registration via attributes is not always possible. For instance, you may want to serialize types from a third-party library that you cannot modify. Or you may have an extensible plugin system where new types are added at runtime. Or most simply, the derived types may not be declared in the same assembly as the base type, making direct type references for the attributes impossible.
In such cases, runtime registration of derived types is possible to allow you to run any custom logic you may require to discover and register these derived types. Your code is still responsible to ensure unique identifiers are assigned to each derived type.
Consider the following example where a type hierarchy is registered without using the attribute approach:
record Animal(string Name);
partial record Horse(string Name) : Animal(Name);
partial record Cow(string Name) : Animal(Name);
class SerializationConfigurator
internal void ConfigureAnimalsMapping(MessagePackSerializer serializer)
DerivedTypeMapping<Animal> mapping = new();