Table of Contents

Class CombinatorialRangeAttribute


Specifies which range of values for this parameter should be used for running the test method.

public class CombinatorialRangeAttribute : Attribute, _Attribute, ICombinatorialValuesProvider
Inherited Members


CombinatorialRangeAttribute(int, int)

Initializes a new instance of the CombinatorialRangeAttribute class.

public CombinatorialRangeAttribute(int from, int count)


from int

The value at the beginning of the range.

count int

The quantity of consecutive integer values to include. Cannot be less than 1, which would conceptually result in zero test cases.

CombinatorialRangeAttribute(int, int, int)

Initializes a new instance of the CombinatorialRangeAttribute class.

public CombinatorialRangeAttribute(int from, int to, int step)


from int

The value at the beginning of the range.

to int

The value at the end of the range. Cannot be less than "from" parameter. When "to" and "from" are equal, CombinatorialValues is more appropriate.

step int

The number of integers to step for each value in result. Cannot be less than one. Stepping zero or backwards is not useful. Stepping over "to" does not add another value to the range.

CombinatorialRangeAttribute(uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CombinatorialRangeAttribute class.

public CombinatorialRangeAttribute(uint from, uint count)


from uint

The value at the beginning of the range.

count uint

The quantity of consecutive integer values to include. Cannot be less than 1, which would conceptually result in zero test cases.

CombinatorialRangeAttribute(uint, uint, uint)

Initializes a new instance of the CombinatorialRangeAttribute class.

public CombinatorialRangeAttribute(uint from, uint to, uint step)


from uint

The value at the beginning of the range.

to uint

The value at the end of the range. Cannot be less than "from" parameter. When "to" and "from" are equal, CombinatorialValues is more appropriate.

step uint

The number of unsigned integers to step for each value in result. Cannot be less than one. Stepping zero is not useful. Stepping over "to" does not add another value to the range.



Gets the values that should be passed to this parameter on the test method.

public object[] GetValues(ParameterInfo parameter)


parameter ParameterInfo

The parameter to get values for.



An array of values.